YIPEE!!!!! A Big Accomplishment For Today!

When I last saw my NST practitioner in August, she warned me that even though I am feeling better, I need to take it easy adding back anything physical. The last eight months of being off medication have taught me a lot about myself. I have learned that I really do have to trust my body. I have taken it easy and let others carry heavy things for me, I have slowly added back walking Izzy, I have let a lot of the house cleaning go and as much as I have hated it, I have not worked out since going off the meds. Oh, I have tried a few times, but my body just wasn’t ready and I knew I had to trust it.

The last of the side effects of going off medications has been the swelling in my knees and weakened wrists. I can walk up and down stairs with ease now, but I haven’t been able to get up after sitting on the ground. While I can now lift most everyday things like grocery bags and such, I haven’t been able to hold my own body up for workouts. Well, today it happened!!!! I did my complete yoga tape – a little wobbly with the wrists but I sat crossed legged and was able to complete the whole tape! I can’t tell you how proud I feel. I feel like my whole body is beaming with pride. I trusted my body to manage without medications, I trusted that the swelling in my body would reduce and I trusted that my strength would return. Thank you Body! You are amazing!

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